Two Poems
Jim DeWitt
[Total Pages: 3]
DeWitt: Two Poems Page 1

one-way passage

stand back, observe it well
my former real world ending -
I swerve off
to the right side road shoulder
shut off the engine, get out
lock it up, pitch the key toward a bird

then for the last time
crossing over into my "other place"
I blend with a meadow
of swaying daisies, queenanne's lace
clover & goldenrod

now even deeper into more of this realm
I plunge, soaking up scents
of spring blossoming

summer soft breeze visions of beauty
laced with dreams
of the scintillating universe
of far sky depths
clear beyond enlightenment
totally lost in twilight's high-noon experience
I fuse with the sphere
of pleasure scents and sights
plus perfect love reached at last
my version of nirvana
never to be returned from again