Three Poems
H.J. Elliot
[Total Pages: 4]
Elliot Page 1


I want to land somewhere in South America
airstrip clinging to sides of cliffs
jumping out in jeans
chullo and manta from sheep I have not yet met
Andes rising out of the mist to greet me
staff and llamas, goats to guide me
they will grow me up in this ancient new culture,
these mountains
I will be bright, like a fast star burning
pink and yellow thrown together dancing

I will not fade away
I will not fade away
I will not fade away


Pottery wheel spinning, flinging
orange, red
bits of clay into the kiln
and lie there baking
until that precious water vessel, pot
emerges and carries me to my loom
where Incan blue and Aztec red lay themselves
and join and part.

a pattern only they are familiar with
creating sacred purple in diamonds
mined out of the hills of memory
