Bernard Page 2
like elsewhere: schools that bored kids to death,
filthy police stations with stinking jails,
roughshod whorehouses, dens of local thugs,
     rebels, drug lords,
corrals of small-time pirates, sea gypsies, with
     the occasional paranoid army patrol,
to show who was in charge, nervous rifles
     gripped at murderous angles,
of pill boxes and barracks, of garages for the
     less badly off, of fishing net poles, the
     drying nets strung up -

wiped away by a finger

sunk with that trace that you, man, that
     you, woman, child, young, middle-aged, old,
had ever actually been there,
or what you made, what thing you made
out of sweat and desire, hope, anger,

love, cunning, envy, will,
now taken back at a shudder of the earth
that brought forth each one of us
in a freak mood: spinning gossamer
in a pail of sun,
then washing it out
with a hose
when the thunders come.
And the survivors (this time there were
are stunned.

3. Sea Gypsies

They gather at the edge,
where the sea foam turns to granite.
Why tarry now?
There's nothing to note,
no scarves, no violins,