Van Blaricom Page 2
That god's not anthropomorphic, or man is as
     significant as an insect
Or he knows nothing, or is the poorest of lovers
     that ever lived.
A rare occurrence
When a poet does something other than merely
     amuse for the moment
But carves a niche in the soul of a person
That is indelible, that is painful, and at the same
     time bliss.

To Capture a Thought

To capture a thought you must inoculate it
Rhinoceros it falls
Hardly a semblance of its former self
Transported to the page
Cage, prison thought thinks rotten
Stripped of its environment skin
Tones, and bellowings of freedom!


If the belly of the poet were full
Could he devour the environment like he should
Would his taste buds be clean
Who's satiated constantly, never needing
Could he swallow the bitter as well
As the sugary, the rare candy canes of joy
The bitter, semi-sweet everyday
Could he be the observer he must be
If he were not constantly hungry?

El Platicadoro

     Whereof one cannot speak
      Thereof one should be silent.

- Ludwig Wittgenstein

Oh, but I love
     to talk. And