Letter Page 3
  leaving dishes and cups in hard-to-reach places.Mother complains about his laziness.
- Mother is a go-getter, but the stepfather's general ennui is rubbing off on her.
- When filmmaker is explaining a point, stepfather interjects that her hand gestures are "very gay."
- Mother's admission: "Security matters more than love."
- Filmmaker's younger sister has a lumbar back condition that has prevented her from finishing college for five years. In no hurry to graduate, sister lives off parents' good graces, but filmmaker must now pay for her sister's expenses, due to father's financial state and her mother's ennui.
- An "ultimatum" has been set for sister to finish school in two years. This is the second ultimatum in four years. Sister usually forgets to attend physical rehab.
- Filmmaker shrugs when told this might make a good story.
~Ho Lin