DeWitt: Two Poems Page 2

summer was fading into the futile air
am I the one killing it
                             killing it?
scorch strokes of sun spew
a seeming sportingplay glare fixed by
void-of-time       undercuts
live wires snarling its former children
splash hapless
across bones scents gripping
of faded maples, who is it
                             killing them
killing them?
lock onto their growing growls too loud
repeated slices into heart
                   at its color

green frameart shatters blind toward
total fish-escape slipping
inside out our what-were lives try
whispering "hibiscus"-
what someone is killing them
                                                           killing them? as a jewel seen centered
into my                forehead impossible
from last nights twirled stringy thin
mock light-void lightning bugs
      pretend neon dance
why are you killing them
                   killing them?
blading down cascades of stainless steel
solar blazes sizzle a chopping
into many a
       mismatched phrase pulse less
cold the water's ice age
becoming tugs against